The Proceedings of the South Indian History Congress is a research journal with ISSN 2229-3671, publishing every year. It is a publication of research papers presented by scholars and researchers in the annual session of the South Indian History Congress held in the previous year. Only those research papers presented and recommended by the Chairman of the academic session is presented are only considered for publication. Moreover, the research paper for publication is selected after the scrutiny of the Peer Review Committee and the Editorial Board.
The publication of the Journal is done under the supervision of an Editorial Board consisting of an Editor and four committee members. The Chief Editor and members of the Board are nominated by the Executive Committee of SIHC from among the well experienced and reputed members of the Organization for a period of two years. The present Editorial Board is constituted with the following members :
Chief Editor
General Secretary
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
A Peer Review Committee consisting of the senior and well experienced members of the South Indian History Congress is constituted for the scrutiny of research papers. The Peer Review committee before recommending a paper for presentation and publication may examine the papers in matters of its authenticity, originality, and other basic qualities in accordance with the Style Manual. The following are the members of the present Peer Review Committee.
Former Professor
Former Professor, University of Calicut, Kerala
Former Professor, Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamilnadu
Former Head, Dept. of History
Former Professor of History
Professor & Dean, School of History
Those who submit research articles for consideration of presentation and
publication should adhere to the rules laid down by the organization.
The Title Page of the paper contain the full title of the paper, name of the author, their full
address, status of membership in the organization with number if any, phone number and email-ID.
Pages of the research paper should be word-processed using a size 12 font, Times New Roman. The
lines should be double spaced with one inch margins at all sides. Page number may be given for
all pages.
Use endnotes to acknowledge the source of information. Endnotes should be numbered in Arabic
numerals (1,2,3…).
Research papers are to be original in content and presentation, connected with the history of
South Indian society and culture and are to be contributing fresh/original knowledge and
interpretation in the field of historical research.
Standard form of endnote/footnote system is to be followed consisting of clarity of information
regarding the source used. Websites perused are to be noted with time of access and clear
information regarding the link.
The scholar will be responsible for the information and opinion given in the research article
and all sorts of plagiarism are to be avoided.
The Editorial Board has the right to scrutiny each paper with the help of the Peer Review
Committee and consider whether it is publishable or not. The Board has the right to reject or
edit the paper while it is considered for publication in the Journal.
The price of the hard copy of the Journal is fixed at Rupees 500 and rupees 250 for the soft copy in CD/DVD form. The back volumes of the journal are sold with a discount of 10 to 30 per cent. Back volumes of the Proceedings are available with the General Secretary of the Organization.
The General Secretary of the South Indian History Congress is the publisher of the Journal and she owns the copy right of the journal and articles published. Those scholars who publish the same papers in other books, academic journals have to seek the permission of the General Secretary for using the same data. The Executive Committee is responsible for changes in the provisions of copy right of the research articles published by the Proceedings of the South Indian History Congress.